Vilde Bjørkedal
Vilde is a bilingual Norwegian actress, with bases both in the UK and Norway.
Training- East15 Acting School.
Prior to her drama school education, Vilde studied English Literature whilst performing in various plays and short films in Oslo, Norway. She continued her journey in Liverpool before moving to London for her BA Acting degree. Offstage, she enjoys writing and playing football.
Short Film includes: Amalie in Søvndytter.
Commercials include: OBUS Housing (Norway).
Voiceover includes: KPMG - 'Det er her vi er' Campaign (Norway).
Credits while training include: Yerma in ‘Yerma’, Emma in ‘Contractions’, Horatio in ‘Hamlet’, Varya in ‘Summerfolk’, Fellowship in ‘Everyman’, Ensemble in ‘Rent’, Abu in ‘Aladdin’, Catlin in ‘It Snows’ and Man 1, Dancer 4, English Soldier and Tourraine in 'I, Joan'.